Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear Santa :-)

Here we go again. I'm almost done getting presents for my friends and family, hope your shopping goes as planned too.

I was good this year, I behaved and I deserve your best effort, dear Santa, but heck if I know what I would like you to get me. World peace and food for the children, sure, but for me? A winning lottery ticket would cover it quite nicely, failing that I may settle for a wide angle lens with some extras, a nice cardigan, a sweet perfume and a few good books, you know, the usual. I trust your good taste and deep pockets, Santa.

In impossible wishes department, make it so men act like men, for a change, pretty please?

Milk and cookies or whiskey by the chimney - what would you prefer? Be a man, decide and live with the consequences :p.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ten years ago tonight

Ten years ago tonight I met someone who changed my life forever.

For better, for worse, he become one of the most important people in my life and, in a way, I still miss him, although I do not wish to see him again or even talk to him. He was the most intense and twisted personality I ever touched, and since I was at crossroads at the thime his influence was decisive in many, many ways.
I still live in a place that was meant to be our home.

If I'm now a different person - for better and for worse - I owe it to him and the tremendous experience that was trying to be with him. I still think of him more that about anyone in my past, and I'm still afraid he might be back one day.

Love, betrayal, sex beyond all expectations and frontiers, heaven and hell - you gave me everything, thank you... but stay away.
