Friday, November 27, 2009

Dear Santa,

Here I am again, trying to figure out what I need and what I want… Not an easy task, as usual, taking into consideration philosopher Jagger’s “you can’t always get what you want” and the ever true “be careful what you ask for, you can actually get it”.
Let’s go slowly then, let’s forget the world peace and lower CO2 emissions – this is Obama’s thing after all.

First thing – the closest to conclusion, is a lovely, sweet perfume “L’Eau Ambree” by Prada. A gift from my dear friend, my mate, my forget-me-not and many other things – thank you...
(Note: a gentleman knows that “oh, you smell so nice” comes at some cost and doesn’t try to ignore a good occasion to contribute to the niceness, after all it’s for his senses too.)

Second – I’m getting myself the same book I bought for a gift for a fellow Lusitanian mystery seeker. Guess we will be reminded of each other on our trails.

Third – oh, Santa, may I? I know about the starving children and the unemployed and the miserable, but can I have a new camera? It doesn’t have to be right now, but ... an Alpha 850 body would be just great, it’s full frame and all, I know you understand :-)

And then there is the issue, the big deal, the thing. Well, dear Santa, I’m really counting on you on this one, it’s been a year of dry runs and training, now it’s time for the real thing. Obviously, I’m scared, but who wouldn’t be, yet the expectations and the possibilities outweigh any uncertainty. Let’s go for it this year, OK?

Assorted stuff: this time it’s more of a formal attire, no seriously – I know it’s never been my style, but the time has come. Things going towards business suits, decent footwear, skirts and blazers – you know the drill. Matching handbags and earrings are always welcome... Oh, yes and a black watch, to replace the one I disposed of so foolishly last year – this or a proof it was not a foolish thing to do, perhaps?
