Removing the debris

Even if we like decadence, vintage and antiques every once in a while it's good to remove the debris from our lives, literally and figuratively.
There's something liberating in a simple act of cleaning. According to Feng Shui excessive stuff aka clutter is a major obstacle for the free energy flow around and through us, and we need that energy in our physical, emotional and spiritual life. Can we let accumulated junk steal our lives? Of course not.
Old unused clothes, dirty yellowed papers, dead insects and dust in the corners, but also bad memories, excess fat and unwanted people - all dead weight should go. Who knows, if people, memories and souvenires are not the deadliest ballast...
By the way, why is it that some people, whom we would gladly consider gone forever, tend not only to pop out of the blue, but in many cases for some obscure reason are convinced that they are still loved and longed after, no matter what bad deeds they performed in the past? Some nerve... You too, vain creature, will become clutter in somebody's life, and someone will be happy to get rid of you and everything that reminds them of you.
Clutter - be gone.
Breath in, breath out. Positive energy. Smile. Live. Breathe.
Don't worry, be happy.