Friday, August 08, 2008


This is the day of the 888s from Bejing to L
isbon and everywhere else where the same calendar is used. Mhm, I thought the Chinese used a different calendar?

Anyway, the Bejing Olympic Games open today, as a mix of police state and fireworks. We can boycott all we want now, the IOC and Coca-Cola decided for us long time ago, a fast growing market of billions is worth, well, billions.
Poor Dalai Lama and his people.
The athlets just wanted to be there, that's understendable, especially when one dedicates years to some half-weird sport and can get recognition only once every 4 years, they don't want to get shafted like the ones who were forced to miss Moscow or L.A. Games. For others - companies, governments, heads of state - no comments.

Oh well, see you on 09.09.09...
