I’m writing this in Word so I can later copy and paste into blogger. Yeah, you guessed it, my internetz went the way of the dodo and, thanks to modern integrated solutions, so did the TV.
It’s outside my apartment, something’s wrong in the mysterious network of cables “out there”, where the truth and other things are. That is also where morons live; mainly morons who work for call centers and have no freaking idea what they are talking about. Unfortunately for them I do know what I’m talking about, if I say I get no signal from the outside, it’s because I checked and re-checked, and no, switching the router off and back on does not work either…
I know you have the holy checklist, but if you dared to listen to what I say instead of asking same questions over and over we might get somewhere.
Also, no – 48 hours is not an acceptable deadline for eventual contact in view of possible repair. Not in my world.
On the other hand, it’s only 9.30 pm and my translation advanced 3 pages already… Which begs for a question – what would I do with an old-style black and white TV and two channels of nothing and no Internet? One thing is certain, I’d have a LOT of time…
P.S. The "ordeal" laster for about 2 hours, enough to finish the translation due only next Monday. Free weekends FTW!This post so needs a lolcat: rotflmao

Labels: internet lolcat offline