Global warming makes me cold

Contrary to GWB's opinion global warming is a fact, unfortunately. Oddly enough harsher and colder winters are one of the results of the global warming, contradiction is only apparent. In case of Europe where movements of Atlantic waters are altering the flow of Gulf Stream - major source of warmer water in the North-Eastern Atlantic and main factor making our climate milder.
Yesterday most of the normally sunny Portugal turned white with snow, temperatures fell below zero and I had to summon urgent services of my personal bed-warmer, aka boy-friend. While it is nice to be warmed, the general situation sucks and not in a good way. This country was not made for this and when I signed up for citizenship the contract mentioned sun, beaches and bikinis, or at least that was my impression. I might sue, you know.
Meanwhile, the so called global powers don't give rat's ass about it, they seem to still live in the age of engines and oil. Hello? Maybe upcoming peak-oil, bankrupcy of Ford and GM plus some sort of event that may make the Chinese stop and think (no idea what could have such power though), maybe something beyond control of the governments who behave so last century - yeah, I'm talking to you Bush Jr. - will make them freaking stop.
Having four seasons again instead of two might be cool too.
For now, thanks again, dear Santa, for my winter parka, which proves to be annoyingly useful.