Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the gifts, you have been generous :-)
I know it is a little late, but this years wishes are not just for Christmas, they are for the new year and beyond - I know you understand.
Let me have what's important - a home, a house, a space of my own. Let me enter through the door I knocked on, and please let me continue dancing with the Wolf.
That is all. 
So little, so much... 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Whoa, it still works....

So, hmmm, Dear Santa, or Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet, I'll be writing soon :-)

Monday, December 03, 2012

Dear Santa,
here we go again :-)
First of all - thank you for all the gifts for body, mind and soul. Always with a twist, always interesting in your own way, but always there.
So, this year I'm just going to ask you for more, with love... and a good pair of running shoes :-)

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Off to meet the destiny, once again.
Not sure if there is hope or future, but at least there is the moment and, hell, it's worth it!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dear Santa...

Thank you for taking such good care of me :-)
It's been awesome, you've been awesome.
This year all I want for Christmas is... the Big Bad Wolf.
Yeah, this is major, there are a few minor things, but I will take care of those myself soon, just need a little help in the wild canine department. I know your blessings come always with a catch, but I 'm willing to take that risk, so bring it!

Friday, September 02, 2011

Uhm, yeah...

Being a grown up is not about being unable to dream, it's about realizing in split second that Prince Charming is charming all right, but he won't be coming with a bouquet of roses and a ring because: it's late, roses are pricey (and gold is 1600$/ounce are you insane?), he'd look like fool if he did, and the S.O. wouldn't let him...
*le major sigh*

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Landscape change

There will be no more ocean, sadly, but there will be greenery and hills and valleys. There will be new life, new challenges, new places and new people.

For now there are cardboard boxes in which I have to squeeze my life. All the years and memories on one side, all the shoes and handbags on the mundane part.

Some things have been sitting here for years untouched, because they were oh so importnant in the past, but now get trashed in 5 seconds, some will travel with me now and stay untill next triage, maybe I'll get rid of them then, maybe never.

What I know for sure is that some memories will always be there, with or without objects to carry them. Good or bad, no longer passionate or painful but still part of my life, part of me.

For the new horizons - thanks Santa!

PS. If you could arrange for a short but nice and sunny holidays this year, it would be perfect ;-)

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