New Year Resolution
Nothing like new calendar period to make a handful of more or less binding resolutions. Putting them in writing and displaying in public (does anyone read me anymore?) may have additional mobilizing effect, so, here we go:
(in no particular order)
1. Save money for THE THING, that must remain unnamed and undisclosed.
2. Read the National Geographic's book on photography and practice, practice, practice.
3. Learn something new or revisit someting forgotten (a language, a skill).
4. With Santa's moral support get at least bedroom/bathroom painted.
6. Keep in shape, physically and mentally - to ask for improvements is a bit too much at this stage :P
7. Say "no" more times, excercise the ability. Say "NO" on occassion too.
8. More veggies and books, less carbs, TV and Internet. More water, less coffee. Cannot give up red wine, not possible.
In 12 months we'll see how this resolution project works. In the meantime we can talk about some intermediate gifts, OK Santa?
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