Dear Santa :-)
Dear, dear Santa,
All seems to be set for this year. I almost forgot to write you, but you seem to be reading my thoughts. I was going to ask for some photo equipment, and what do you know - it's coming my way!
Other than that, world peace and free Tibet what can I ask you for? Hard cash is always good, be it lotto winning numbers or just a promotion at work, or even enough free lance gigs. From last year's list, I know and appreciate that you volounteered manpower for painting but I sort of diverted it to other, much more important issues, so this year, please just give me cash and strength to do it myself, and I will be fine.
On higher plans and more important issues, this book I got today... let it be the first step in a journey... a long magical journey. Don't know how, where or when, but it would be so perfect if... Please?
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