Thank you, Mr. Jagger

Dear Mr. Jagger, thank you so much!
Thank you for the great night, for the music, the light, the emotion. Apparently, we were the lucky ones to see and hear the whole crew in good shape, make sure that next time you plan a more relaxed tour, as technically you are reaching the retirement age and all.
Speaking of which, thank you, above all, for setting the example how to remain young without becoming ridiculous or addicted to botox and stuff. You’re older and it can be seen on your face, you’re still young and it shows all over.
It seems like yesterday, when my parents were 40-ish and I considered them old, now they are 60-ish and … they are still old. You were the greatest at 40-50-60 … I’m 40-ish now and it’s your example I want to follow, quoting other people’s songs “forever young, I want to be forever young” and “it’s my life, it’s now or never”, “please make me pure, but not yet”. We are alive when we do it our way, that’s probably how you did it all your life, right?
I know you must have been lucky as hell to have survived the sex, drugs & rock’n’roll age, but now I think I know what your wonder potion is – being yourself and doing what you want. Nowadays I suspect it’s mainly not caring about what “people” may or may not find appropriate for someone “old enough to be a grandpa” – screw them.
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