I don’t intend to write a diary, I’m no Bridget Jones. Not-a-Book may contain dates, but Bridget, no I don’t think so. I’m different, but then, maybe I’m not. I like seeing myself as a higher intelligence being with all kinds of intellectual interests. Question is: am I kidding myself here? Maybe I’m just trying to deny a simple, hateful truth that I’m no more than a normal person is? Tough one. For someone who’s always been considered a family genius, who managed to outwit most teachers it’s not easy to think “I’m just an average person”, arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I hate “average” so much!
Anyway, the diary form is not right for what I want. I will be writing mostly for myself to clear up some ideas, hopefully.
Anyway, the diary form is not right for what I want. I will be writing mostly for myself to clear up some ideas, hopefully.
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